# 1019_251590
29 Dec 2025 - 02 Jan 2026 02.Jan.2026
1350 Euro
The Cyber Politics & Public Diplomacy Certification Course provides an encompassing training for participants looking to delve into the world of cyber diplomacy, digital public diplomacy, and cyber politics. Understanding the implications of social media bots and Twitter diplomacy in today's world, this course offers a thorough overview of cyber international relations. Moreover, this cyber diplomacy course prioritizes developing persuasion skills through persuasive communication training, persuasion training, influence, and persuasion skills training. Equipped with stakeholder mapping tools, participants will learn the process of stakeholder analysis and stakeholder mapping, providing the foundation for effective public diplomacy. This course addresses both soft power and hard power in the sphere of cyber diplomacy, aiming to equip participants with skills to deal with cyber security issues, including cybercrime and cyber attacks. As the course takes place in Seattle, a specific focus on cyber law as per Seattle's jurisdiction will also be included.
The training methodology of this cyber diplomacy course includes a blend of case studies, group work, interactive sessions, and feedback sessions. Participants will practice their persuasion skills through persuasive communication training and influence and persuasion training. Real-world scenarios will allow participants to engage with social media bots and conduct public-opinion polls to understand their role in digital public diplomacy. Hands-on experience with stakeholder mapping tools will enhance stakeholder mapping skills.
Unlike other similar courses, this Cyber Politics & Public Diplomacy Certification Course provides an all-encompassing training on digital public diplomacy and cyber politics. It includes a specific focus on social media bots and Twitter diplomacy, acknowledging the growing impact of social media on public diplomacy. The course prioritizes the development of persuasion skills through comprehensive persuasive communication training, persuasion training, and influence and persuasion training. Participants are also equipped with tools for stakeholder mapping and analysis, critical for any public diplomacy campaign. The course recognizes the importance of understanding both soft power and hard power in diplomacy and provides a strong grounding in cyber security, addressing the rising threat of cyber crime and cyber attacks. Given its Seattle location, this course also includes specific training on the cyber law of Seattle, a crucial aspect often neglected in similar courses. Overall, the course offers a holistic understanding of cyber diplomacy and public diplomacy, making it a unique choice in the field.
# 1019_251590
29 Dec 2025 - 02 Jan 2026
Fees : 1350 Euro