The Art of Document Preservation Training Course Event, 05.Aug.2024

The Art of Document Preservation Training Course Event, 05.Aug.2024

Course Details

  • # 36285_259378

  • 05 - 09 Aug 2024

  • Cairo

  • 3300 Euro

Course Overview: 

This course is an expert-level training program that equips participants with the skills needed to effectively preserve documents within records and archives. This course provides insights into the deterioration of documentaries' Audiences: nice and offers strategies for their preservation, including planning, handling, xerography, and security.


Target Audience:

  • Archivists and Document Preservationists
  • Museum and Library Professionals
  • Records Managers
  • Historical Society Staff


Targeted Organizational Departments:

  • Archives and Records Management
  • Libraries and Information Centres
  • Conservation and Preservation Departments
  • Documentation Centres


Targeted Industries:

  • Museums and Historical Sites
  • Government Record Offices
  • Academic Libraries and Research Institutions
  • Corporate Archives


Course Offerings: 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of document deterioration causes and control.
  • Practical skills in preservation planning and document handling.
  • Expertise in petrographic techniques.
  • Strategies for document security and integrity maintenance. 


Training Methodology: 

This course blends theoretical instruction with practical workshops, case studies, and hands-on sessions, focusing on real-world application and problem-solving in document preservation.


Course Toolbox:

  • Document Preservation Guide
  • Online Resources for Preservation Techniques
  • Preservation Planning Templates
  • Security and Maintenance Checklists


Course Agenda:

Day 1: Understanding Document Deterioration

  • Topic 1: Introduction to Document Preservation
  • Topic 2: Factors Contributing to Document Deterioration
  • Topic 3: Types of Document Deterioration
  • Topic 4: Overview of Deterioration Control Methods
  • Topic 5: Establishing a Preservation-Friendly Environment
  • Topic 6: Identifying Early Signs of Deterioration
  • Reflection & Review: Reflection & Review


Day 2: Strategic Planning for Preservation

  • Topic 1: Foundations of Preservation Planning
  • Topic 2: Assessing Preservation Needs
  • Topic 3: Resource Allocation for Preservation Projects
  • Topic 4: Long-Term Preservation Strategy Development
  • Topic 5: Integrating New Technologies in Preservation
  • Topic 6: Budgeting and Funding for Preservation
  • Reflection & Review: Reflection & Review


Day 3: Practical Aspects of Document Handling

  • Topic 1: Handling Techniques for Various Media
  • Topic 2: Best Practices for Document Cleaning
  • Topic 3: Storage Solutions for Longevity
  • Topic 4: Environmental Controls for Document Storage
  • Topic 5: Labeling and Cataloging for Preservation
  • Topic 6: Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Reflection & Review: Reflection & Review


Day 4: Reprography and Security Measures

  • Topic 1: Basics of Reprographic Techniques
  • Topic 2: Implementing Reprography in Preservation
  • Topic 3: Security Protocols for Protected Documents
  • Topic 4: Technological Solutions for Document Security
  • Topic 5: Access Control and Monitoring
  • Topic 6: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Document Security
  • Reflection & Review: Reflection & Review


Day 5: Evaluating and Advancing Preservation Efforts

  • Topic 1: Assessing the Effectiveness of Preservation Methods
  • Topic 2: Planning for Future Challenges in Preservation
  • Topic 3: Continuing Education and Training in Preservation
  • Topic 4: Networking and Collaboration Opportunities in the Field
  • Topic 5: Innovations and Trends in Document Preservation
  • Topic 6: Building a Sustainable Preservation Program
  • Reflection & Review: Reflection & Review


How This Course is Different from Other Document Preservation Courses:

This course uniquely combines in-depth theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing participants to tackle the challenges of document preservation head-on with innovative solutions and robust strategies. This course is distinguished by its comprehensive approach to maintaining the integrity and accessibility of vital historical and contemporary documents.

Secretarial and Administration Training Courses
The Art of Document Preservation Training Course (36285_259378)

36285_259378    05 - 09 Aug 2024    3300  Euro


Course Details

# 36285_259378

05 - 09 Aug 2024


Fees : 3300 Euro
